Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Sittin here thinkin.
Thoughts of a broken soul.
Nothin that could reallly break it cuz nothin has happen that really
Jus feels like its the end the end of everythin.
Maybe jus depression
Something is wrong I'm losin my mind.
I really don't kno what to do ne more.

Crazy thinkin back to the summer when everyone was leavin an andrea made
everyone cry... oh the emotions..

Thinkin back to the begining where there was all happiness n no fights
well maybe jus me gettin mad n then happy again. Where there were no
tears cuz now there always here when u get under my skin cuz i care for
u so much.

Back to the parties they were fun i do admit n the partying life style
had my mind in a twice where the same faces didn't bother me as much as
they do now when i uses to say hi to everyone i knew now I'm jus a bitch
to you oh well that's life.

Summer days turn into summer night chillin wit the ladies doin w.e no
sexual. Fun. Laughs. dancing.

Although i miss the life of partyin i wouldn't go back cuz its not my
thing no more i wanna jus chill sit back n relax. Jus realize what
someone sed was true there are to different sides well there's more then
that but to specific sides. There's special n then there's Kierra.
Special was the partyin lovin girl. N Kierra Jus wants love n wants to

Kierra jus recently came to life.

Its like i think a lot well way more then a lot now. N my thoughts are
so scattered that when i smoke i think about 20-30 things at a time n
before i thought it was jus being overly high but its actually all the
thoughts that are really in my head come more to light n i keep
everything to myself so does ne one really kno me.

Well actually they do cuz i say what i feel when I'm asked....

I'm really jus half crazy..

Friday, May 15, 2009

Is this wat it is

Damn right now i feel like cry.
It seems like this might be the end. Or like were at a stand still.
How can u love someone so much that u put them before u but they don't
see ne thin that u do.
U stop everythin ur doin to talk to them n they can't see it.
How'd it all get so crazy so fast.
One min we in love the next we jus here
Like i lost soul in limbo.

It feels like I'm still in love but u lost ur interest n the only thing
is that u don't wanna lose me. If its like that I'd rather know then jus
b sittin her lookin like a dummy stuck n in love. Every day it gets
harder n harder n harder to let go cuz its like u can't jus let go of
somethin that uve grown to love. Was it really love on ur end.

It feels as though u was forced to fake the love cuz i loved u so much.
Hurt about it yet I'm keepin my cool cuz I'm a woman n i gotta keep my
cool. Can't let the world see my pain. But then there's the other thin
that i can't hide most of my pain becuz the emotions run thur my blood n
kill my soul.


Damn now i really feel like cryin...
Fuck why'd I'd have to love why couldn't this be like the others y
couldn't i jus leave it as friends. I wouldn't be as hurt as i am right
I've been thur so much in the last 5 months. I don't want it to end..
Fuck the tears are comin n my ♡ is hurtin..
This pain runs deep. I'm tired of bein hurt. Ova n ova again it seems
like the pain only get worst everytime i try.

I'm tired of tryin I'm all out of sanity.
I jus wanna have someone who feels how i feel cuz my love does run deep
n I'm to givin well this time. I gave my ♥ n my all n it seems as thou
i got shitted on where the fuck is the person who sed they'd love me
foreva n lookin the other way would neva be an opition.

Damn i failed this time.
I don't want no other options i rather be alone. Cuz a hurt alone is
better then the pain of ♡ ache.

Idk. For right now ill hold on till i see the truth.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Have U eva felt a way so much that it was startin to take ova ur life.
Like there was nothin that u could think about more. But its like uva
have this feelin for a while..
Incredibly for about 5 years eva since u got ur first taste of estacy.
N its like every song u listen to jus puts the thought in ur head. N u
feel weird cuz u don't kno ne one that has the same thought but when u
find someone who has the same thoughts if nOt more.
N all of a sudden ur thoughts change its like wtf is going on thru out 2
months ur body goes thur changes. U start to think ur crazy n the
seasons start to change. Then ur feelings start to come back so now ur
feelin like ur buggin.
Ur thinkin like wtf is happenin to me n ur to embarressed to say ne
thing to ne one but then u realize that the way ur body was actin is
becuz it was reactin to chemicals that u put in it.


Jus thoughts

Its LIke we fight we make up.
We break Up n wit AnGry thOughts stilL hIt each other Up.
We get mAd we get sad.
But at the enD Of the day all that sadness N all the AnGer goes aWay.
Is thiS what seriOus RelAtionshIps are LIke.

AlThOugh there Are Fights NO pHysical, n alThough there Are
DisaGreeMents. At the enD of the Day All I Can thINk is That I've Neva
BeEn HappIer n at ThE Same TiMe I've neVa BeEn so sad. BUt its LIke the
hApPiNess OUt Ways The SadNess. The PeoPLe aroUnd Us Don't UNdersTand
Us. But do they eva whEn it coMes to 2 PeoPle In a ReLatiOnshIp if theIr
ONly On the Outside LOOKiN in.

I'M mOre coNfortabLe whEn I lAy In ur arMs that I coULd JUs FalL asleep
N mOst of The time I do. I trust u with MY Life N That's CraZy to Me.

I wanT thiS To Last N I Hope It DoES.
HOpeFulLY ..
I JUs doNt wAnT my ♡ to GET brOken aGaIn.