Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Jus thoughts

Its LIke we fight we make up.
We break Up n wit AnGry thOughts stilL hIt each other Up.
We get mAd we get sad.
But at the enD Of the day all that sadness N all the AnGer goes aWay.
Is thiS what seriOus RelAtionshIps are LIke.

AlThOugh there Are Fights NO pHysical, n alThough there Are
DisaGreeMents. At the enD of the Day All I Can thINk is That I've Neva
BeEn HappIer n at ThE Same TiMe I've neVa BeEn so sad. BUt its LIke the
hApPiNess OUt Ways The SadNess. The PeoPLe aroUnd Us Don't UNdersTand
Us. But do they eva whEn it coMes to 2 PeoPle In a ReLatiOnshIp if theIr
ONly On the Outside LOOKiN in.

I'M mOre coNfortabLe whEn I lAy In ur arMs that I coULd JUs FalL asleep
N mOst of The time I do. I trust u with MY Life N That's CraZy to Me.

I wanT thiS To Last N I Hope It DoES.
HOpeFulLY ..
I JUs doNt wAnT my ♡ to GET brOken aGaIn.

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