Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Have U eva felt a way so much that it was startin to take ova ur life.
Like there was nothin that u could think about more. But its like uva
have this feelin for a while..
Incredibly for about 5 years eva since u got ur first taste of estacy.
N its like every song u listen to jus puts the thought in ur head. N u
feel weird cuz u don't kno ne one that has the same thought but when u
find someone who has the same thoughts if nOt more.
N all of a sudden ur thoughts change its like wtf is going on thru out 2
months ur body goes thur changes. U start to think ur crazy n the
seasons start to change. Then ur feelings start to come back so now ur
feelin like ur buggin.
Ur thinkin like wtf is happenin to me n ur to embarressed to say ne
thing to ne one but then u realize that the way ur body was actin is
becuz it was reactin to chemicals that u put in it.


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